Aug 27Liked by Liminal Revolutions

Terrific essay!

"This kind of mass manipulation was made possible by the advent of mass media, which enabled the industrialization of propaganda, spinning, and lying."

Yes, for some reason most rightists refuse to believe or accept the truth that advent of mass media, and its control by leftists, is by far the left's most potent weapon for taking over our society.

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Thank you for an excellent summation of how global psycho-spiritual-political control has been manufactured to the point of it having now been officially announced (to those with ears to hear and eyes to see). I sent a link to my friend Dr Doug Haugen who made the following podcast heavily referencing your essay:


Thank you again!

Mark Millward

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When Elite Theory was first making the rounds in Europe and gaining traction in many parts of it, it failed to do so in America because he the America of the time was a semi-populist, semi-politically decentralized, semi-economically decentralized, semi-culturally decentralized, and semi-scientifically decentralized system with very imperfect but still meaningfully democratic governance structures based around its old decentralized and publicly accessible mass member parties; there was, for domestic matters, a very diversifies information ecosystem and there were intellectually wonderful venues, such as the old Chautauqua circuits, where people could contest ideas, it didn't withstand scrutiny as it was presented. But in this day and age...

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